

A number of MOPpers will be running NEMO at their schools or in their areas. Alternatively, if you are a math club advisor looking to host NEMO at your school, please fill out this form. NEMO can be taken any time in November, depending on the schedule of your testing location (which is likely your school) and the availability of your local coordinator (which is likely your Math Club).


This contest is open to any student who has not graduated high school, with the requirement that they have not qualified for MOP in any previous school year and that they can find a nearby testing center.

For this contest, teams consist of 4 people. We prefer that students from the same school form a team, but we understand that this is not always possible. In the case that it isn't, and there are other students in the region that are interested in forming a team together, indicate that the team has students from multiple schools when signing up, and indicate each individual's own school on the individual round. Teams with students from multiple schools will not have their team round scores count toward any school.

After the Contest

Students are not allowed to discuss any of the problems or solutions with students from other sites until told they may do so (usually a few days after the contest window closes). Sometime after the contest window is over, scores and rankings will be sent back to coordinators for students to view. Problems, solutions, and limited results will also be posted on this website.